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Search the collection of Macintosh-related Internet resources

Use the form below to search the collection of Macintosh-related Internet resources.

What term(s) do you want to find?

What type of search do you want to do?
Context Relevance

If you specified a context search, enter the maximum number of hits to return between 10-200.

If you are specifying more than one search term, select the relationship between the terms.

If you specified a "near" or "notnear" search, then set the nearness range between 10 - 200.

Simple instructions

The TR-WWW search interface supports pseudo-Boolean logic; by default, all terms here are combined with a Boolean "and". A comprehensive set of instructions are available online.

If this form provides results that are too narrow, then maybe a simpler form may be better suited.

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Eric last edited this page on September 26, 1995. Please feel free to send comments.